16 Oct 2017 | Our stories
It is often difficult to find accurate information online, especially when it comes to science-based questions. This is amplified by the fact that scientific findings themselves are revisable or when they are the subject of debate within their respective fields....
15 Sep 2017 | Our stories
Kia ora mai tātou, Ngā mihi ki a tātou. Tuatahi – tēnei te mihi nui ki ngā kaikōrero, mō rātou whakaaro, moemoea, wawata. First – our huge thanks to the contributors, for their thoughts, dreams, aspirations. Tuarua – tēnei te mihi ki a koutou katoa, mo to koutou...
14 Sep 2017 | Our stories
Something interesting has been happening in the Rotorua/Te Arawa lakes over the past decade or so. Instead of separating into factious groups, government, NGOs, iwi, members of the farming community, scientists and the wider community have united in kōrero and actions...
14 Sep 2017 | Our stories
New Zealand has a freshwater crisis. There is little doubt about this now as report after report has piled up over the last year. National and international research reaches the same conclusion. In an interview on his own report on the state of the country’s fresh...
13 Sep 2017 | Our stories
Toitū a Tāne, toitū a Tangaroa, toitū te tangata The endurance of man relies on that of the environment. Waterway health is at the heart of identity and wellbeing. Signs restricting beach and river swimming or wading, and fish consumption, are becoming common sights...