Nau mai haere mai ki WaiNZ

Nau mai haere mai ki WaiNZ

Kia hiwa ra! Kia hiwa ra! Kia hiwa ra i tēnei tuku, kia hiwa ra i tērā tuku! Kia hiwa ra! Kia hiwa ra! E ngā waka. E ngā hau e wha. E ngā mana. E ngā iwi. E ngā manu kōrero o runga i ngā marae. Whakarongo! Whakarongo! Whakarongo! Ki te tangi a te manu e karanga nei...
Maths Craft Festival arrives in Auckland

Maths Craft Festival arrives in Auckland

Do you enjoy craft? Then you probably enjoy mathematics too – you just may not know it yet. Don’t miss out on Maths Craft Festival 2017 being held this coming Saturday and Sunday, September 9-10, at the Auckland Museum. Discover the maths behind craft and the craft...
#WaiNZ – Let’s talk about our water

#WaiNZ – Let’s talk about our water

New Zealanders have heard a lot about the state of our waterways and water in recent months. With the 2017 General Election just around the corner, politicians, industry insiders, communities and researchers have clamoured to get their views and policy ideas into the...
Te Pūnaha Matatini supporting NZ science journalism

Te Pūnaha Matatini supporting NZ science journalism

Te Pūnaha Matatini is a major contributor to the Aotearoa-New Zealand Science Journalism Fund, which recently awarded $20,000 in funding to several New Zealand science journalists to cover stories ranging from genomics to driverless vehicles to climate change. This...