Taking a stand for science and society

Taking a stand for science and society

The world has taken a horrible turn for the worse in the last few weeks. Following a rather bizarre inauguration weekend that featured a running dispute over the size of Trump’s crowd and then the inspiring Women’s March, the Trump Administration unsettled the world...
Analytics to improve health delivery systems

Analytics to improve health delivery systems

Te Pūnaha Matatini Associate Investigator Dr Michael O’Sullivan discusses analytics to improve health delivery systems. Michael researches a combination of Operations Research and Analytics and is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Engineering Science and...
Maths Craft Festival

Maths Craft Festival

Enjoy craft? Then you probably enjoy mathematics too, you just may not know it. This was the idea behind the recent Maths Craft Festival, a weekend-long festival held at the Auckland Museum, celebrating the many links between mathematics and craft. The Festival was...