22 Nov 2016 | Our stories
“Only clean water and antibiotics have had an impact on childhood death and disease that is equal to that of vaccines” – World Health Organization (WHO). In the 20th century, when most of you reading this were born, nearly 1.7 billion people died from...
22 Nov 2016 | Our stories
Chlamydia is not a very sexy topic… it should be though, because it’s caught by having sex. It’s surprising how many young people don’t know how common chlamydia is. It’s easy to treat but it’s so much easier to prevent by using condoms when having oral, anal, or...
22 Nov 2016 | Our stories
My name is Nick Pattison and I would like to share with you a citizen science investigation that I was involved in with my previous school Rongomai Primary, called the Healthy Homes Project. The project was created out of conversations between myself and other...
22 Nov 2016 | Our stories
Infectious diseases are far from defeated. They pose a unique health threat because they are caused by living micro-organisms. This biological fact has two important consequences: firstly it means that these micro-organisms are constantly evolving to exploit new...
21 Nov 2016 | Our stories
In another life I used to sit on teams that developed something called ‘clinical guidance’. We would draw together published evidence and make recommendations on what best practice should look like. I sat on one such group for rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever (RF) is...