Efficient and fair surgical schedules with algorithms

Efficient and fair surgical schedules with algorithms

1 April 2022 Dr Thomas Adams is working to improve surgical scheduling using algorithms and individualised surgical duration predictions. Increased throughput, increased utilisation, decreased overtime, fewer overdue operations, and less staff time required for...
What’s in our soil, and what it means for us

What’s in our soil, and what it means for us

Te Pūnaha Matatini supports the work of Soilsafe Aotearoa to explore community soil values and map lead and other metals in home garden soils. Dr Emma Sharp has been interested in home garden soils since she came across a newspaper article about blood lead levels in...
How we can make science education more equitable

How we can make science education more equitable

8 November 2021 Te Pūnaha Matatini was a natural home for Dr Steven Turnbull to complete his doctoral project on tertiary science participation in Aotearoa New Zealand. Equity in science participation is central to Te Pūnaha Matatini’s ethos, and so is Dr Steven...
He took foundational physics and is now teaching the course

He took foundational physics and is now teaching the course

3 November 2021 Dr Kannan Ridings teaches Tertiary Foundation Certificate and Tuākana students that the best work that they can do will come from collaborative efforts. Dr Kannan Ridings (Rongowhakaata) struggled at high school – until he discovered science. “In one...