Professor Murray Cox awarded Te Rangi Hīroa Medal

Professor Murray Cox awarded Te Rangi Hīroa Medal

Professor Murray Cox, a computational biologist in the Institute of Fundamental Sciences at Massey University in Palmerston North and a Principal Investigator at Te Pūnaha Matatini, was recently awarded the prestigious Te Rangi Hīroa Medal by the Royal Society Te...
Ngā mihi ki a tātou

Ngā mihi ki a tātou

Kia ora mai tātou, Ngā mihi ki a tātou. Tuatahi – tēnei te mihi nui ki ngā kaikōrero, mō rātou whakaaro, moemoea, wawata. First – our huge thanks to the contributors, for their thoughts, dreams, aspirations. Tuarua – tēnei te mihi ki a koutou katoa, mo to koutou...
Restoring the mana of the Rotorua/Te Arawa lakes

Restoring the mana of the Rotorua/Te Arawa lakes

Something interesting has been happening in the Rotorua/Te Arawa lakes over the past decade or so. Instead of separating into factious groups, government, NGOs, iwi, members of the farming community, scientists and the wider community have united in kōrero and actions...