Directors' Blog
Postdoctoral fellowships in complex systems
7 March 2025
Do you want to contribute to a better understanding of our world as a complex system? Do you have experience in inter- and transdisciplinary scholarship? Are you an ethical and collaborative researcher who is looking for a values-based research community? Are you interested in gaining experience in collaborative leadership within the research, science and innovation system?
Applications are invited for three two-year postdoctoral fellowships with Te Pūnaha Matatini – Aotearoa New Zealand’s Centre of Research Excellence for complex systems. The three fellows will work as a team within the newly created Modelling for Impact Hub.
At its core, the Hub works towards provisioning and maintaining, for example, system dynamics models, complex networks, agent-based models and digital twins of significant national systems – tracking resource flows, population dynamics, infrastructure dependencies, and social networks, for example. These models will reveal emergent properties and potential intervention points that might otherwise remain invisible.
The Hub operates with three guiding principles:
- Accessibility with responsibility: If models are made public this happens through intuitive interfaces, but with careful consideration of how simplifications might be misinterpreted or misused. Public-facing tools include transparent documentation of assumptions, limitations, and appropriate use cases.
- Interdisciplinary integration: The Hub houses an interdisciplinary team – for example, economists alongside anthropologists and data scientists alongside ethicists – creating models that capture both quantitative metrics and qualitative human experiences.
- Reflexive practice: The Hub continuously examines its own influence, recognising that models shape perceptions and decisions. Regular ethical reviews evaluate how simulations might reinforce existing biases or power structures.
The Hub serves as both technical infrastructure and cultural platform – a space where policymakers, citizens, and researchers can develop collective intelligence about complex national challenges while critically reflecting on the act of modelling itself.
We have one fellowship available for each of the three pillars that will operate under the umbrella of the Hub:
- Guidelines and infrastructure for ethical use of data, models, and other research artifacts: This pillar aims to advance our understanding of ethical research practices beyond traditional open science approaches. The postdoctoral fellow will lead empirical investigations of open science and similar practices, examining how current initiatives can evolve to address deeper ethical considerations and responsible research practices. The work will involve empirical research through case studies of adversarial use of modelling to identify commonalities and patterns of such uses. This work will contribute to developing guidelines, infrastructure, and frameworks that enhance research integrity and ethical considerations in modern scientific practice.
- Reference models of a nation as a complex system: This pillar aims to develop a set of reference models to analyse Aotearoa New Zealand as a complex system, specifically focusing on its economic, social, and cultural trajectories. Nations are inherently complex entities, characterised by interactions between individuals, institutions, and the environment. The postdoctoral fellow will lead the development of large-scale models that allow analyses and simulations of synthetic populations that are representative of Aotearoa New Zealand.
- Approaches that empower people to engage with complex systems: In many complex systems the scale in terms of time and/or space can make it difficult to observe how a change in one part of a complex system affects the rest of the system (e.g., whether more frequent discharging in a general medicine ward will reduce overcrowding in an emergency department or not). This pillar will explore data visualisation and human-computer interaction to understand barriers to its adoption. It will also explore more recent technology for engaging with immersive interaction with computer models including digital twins, mixed reality, and serious games. The postdoctoral fellow will develop prototypes to allow people to interact with complex data and models and investigate the cognitive dimension of human understanding of complexity through these means.
The fellowships also include a component of work with other Te Pūnaha Matatini projects, and active involvement in the collaborative leadership of the Modelling for Impact Hub.
We are happy to consider applicants from a diverse range of fields including engineering, computer science, statistics, and social sciences. Familiarity with empirical and qualitative research methods is highly desirable. The applicant should have an interest in open science and research ethics.
The successful candidate will hold, or expect to complete before starting the position, a PhD in their disciplinary area. They must have a track record of peer-reviewed publications and the ability to work collaboratively in interdisciplinary teams.
Applicants from all countries and backgrounds are actively encouraged to apply, however you will need to be able to obtain a visa that allows you to live and work in Aotearoa New Zealand before beginning the position.
Members of underrepresented groups are very welcome, as are researchers with families. Our research group aims to achieve work-life balance within a productive scientific environment.
You will be based at one of the partner organisations of Te Pūnaha Matatini, depending on the best fit for your circumstances. We are partnered with all of the major universities in Aotearoa New Zealand. You will work closely with Associate Professor Kelly Blincoe, Associate Professor Michael O’Sullivan, Professor Markus Luczak-Roesch, and other researchers at Te Pūnaha Matatini.
Te Pūnaha Matatini brings together ‘many faces’ – different disciplines, ways of thought, methods, and crucially, people – to define, and then solve, society’s thorny interconnected problems. Te Pūnaha Matatini has an active whānau group which supports early career researchers, committed to the Te Pūnaha Matatini values of manaakitanga and whakawhanaungatanga, offering supportive tuakana / teina learning environments.
Position details
This is a full-time (40 hours per week), fixed-term position for two years. Hybrid working arrangements are possible, but the role involves some travel to attend research meetings and engage with local communities.
Start date
The start date is flexible but would preferably be before the end of October 2025.
$80,000 – $95,000 depending on the track record of the applicant.
Due date
Applications will be considered until the position is filled.
If you have any questions, please contact Markus Luczak-Roesch at
How to apply
Send an email expressing your interest, along with a CV, academic record, and list of three potential referees to

PhD scholarship on measuring the impact of lake health interventions
Image: Te Roto o Wairewa by Billie Ihaka.
4 March 2025
Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship to study the health of shallow coastal lakes in Aotearoa, currently in a state of decline driven by environmental factors and human activity.
A number of interventions have been trialled to improve the health of shallow coastal lakes with mixed success. A lack of rigorous monitoring data has meant that assessing the impact of these intervention fails to be proactive, responsive and effective. A better understanding of lake health is required to identify appropriate natural solutions or human interventions to reverse these declines.
Te Roto o Wairewa, a shallow polymictic shoreline lake on the southern side of Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū, Banks Peninsula, has had a troubled history. The catchment was deforested and the lake closed off to the sea in the 1860s and since that time the water has remained turbid and prone to toxic algal blooms. The customary and highly productive tuna (eel) fishery was on the verge of collapse due to the highly degraded state of the lake. Efforts by mana whenua (Wairewa Rūnanga – local Ngāi Tahu Māori community) have been instrumental in improving lake water quality, but further improvements are desired to ensure the well-being of both tuna and whānau (families).
You will work alongside another PhD student exploring mathematical models of spatio-temporal early warning signals. This component of the project aims to establish a rapid on-site lake water surveillance system to detect the fluctuations in key algal indicators (diatoms and cyanobacteria). This will involve a combination of conventional microscopy, molecular approaches and machine learning. The generated data will be used to inform the spatio-temporal warning system. The main aim is to assess the efficacy of small (e.g. sediment traps or floating vegetation mats) and large scale (e.g. Te Kōawa Ika o Wairewa, a large-scale fish pass system being constructed within the period of study) lake water interventions.
This scholarship is open to anyone who can be in New Zealand and meets the requirements to enrol in a PhD at the relevant institution. We are happy to consider students from a diverse range of fields including ecology, biology, the geosciences or similar quantitative disciplines. Interested students should have a growing background in hydrological monitoring and associated numerical methods (working with R or Python), with at least some background in molecular techniques (e.g. genomic DNA).
The project will also involve significant interaction with groups invested in the health of the lake, including mana whenua and environmental agencies. To this effect, one of the outcomes of the broader project is the construction of a digital twin of the lake as a communication tool, so experience in gaming development (e.g. Unreal Engine) will be an advantage. The successful candidate will hold, or expect to complete soon, an honours or masters level qualification, with a significant research project.
Applicants from all countries and backgrounds are actively encouraged to apply. Members of underrepresented groups are very welcome, as are students with families. Our research group aims to achieve work-life balance within a productive scientific environment.
You will be based at the University of Canterbury and will work with Dr Matiu Prebble and Associate Professor Graham Donovan. You will work alongside the team at the Waterways Centre for Freshwater Management.
You will also be part of Te Pūnaha Matatini, the Aotearoa New Zealand Centre of Research Excellence for Complex Systems. Te Pūnaha Matatini brings together ‘many faces’ – different disciplines, ways of thought, methods, and crucially, people – to define, and then solve, society’s thorny interconnected problems. Te Pūnaha Matatini has an active whānau group which supports early career researchers, committed to the Te Pūnaha Matatini values of manaakitanga and whakawhanaungatanga, offering supportive tuakana / teina learning environments.
If you have any questions, please contact Matiu Prebble at
Financial details
- Full tuition fees
- Stipend of NZ$35,000 per year (tax free)
Start date
The start date is flexible, but would preferably be in the first half of 2025.
How to apply
Send an email expressing your interest, along with a CV, academic record, and list of three potential referees to
Due date
Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

Balancing with Antarctica
17 February 2025
A collaboration between PhD candidate Kristin Wilson and illustrator Jean Donaldson. Edited by Jonathan Burgess.
If you travel south from Aotearoa New Zealand, you will eventually hit the landmass known today as Antarctica.
Antarctica wasn’t always there, at the bottom of the Earth. Over one billion years ago it was in the Northern Hemisphere, hanging out with India, Australia, and Laurentia (early North America). And before that? Well, we can’t trace back that far. But we do know that Antarctica’s oldest rocks are around 3.9 billion years old, meaning Antarctica has been around for most of Earth’s long life.
By 30 million years ago, Antarctica had travelled south and was isolated from all other landmasses, locked over the South Pole. Cooling and freezing followed, creating challenging conditions for Antarctica’s land-based life forms. Trees and vertebrate animals disappeared. Much smaller life forms such as springtails, mites, roundworms, and tardigrades, learned to adapt to the freezing temperatures, lack of running water, and seasons of extreme sunlight and darkness.
More than 99% of Antarctica is now covered by ice. In the ice-free locations, the ancient continent of gravel and rock is still visible. The Dry Valleys – near Ross Island – are the largest ice-free region (~4,500 km2). These deep U-shaped valleys hint at fjords long emptied.
It was not until the 1950s that Antarctica became part of the modern human world, in the lead up to the International Geophysical Year – a global scientific effort undertaken during 1957 and 1958. Research bases were built. Scientific programmes were devised and implemented. Charles Keeling began measuring monthly CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere.
After the success of the International Geophysical Year, the twelve nations who had conducted research in Antarctica agreed to continue doing science there, to stop trying to agree who owned which part, and formalised this agreement in the 1959 Antarctic Treaty.
Today, Antarctica is one of Earth’s global commons. Like the high seas, the atmosphere, and outer space, Antarctica isn’t owned by any single sovereign state. The Antarctic Treaty has expanded to include 57 nations (as of 2024), of which 29 nations, who do “substantial research activity” in Antarctica make decisions annually.
Antarctica is governed in the “interests of mankind.” Yes, that includes you.
The stated environmental principles for governance include: peace, science, environmental, ecological, wilderness, aesthetic, and intrinsic values. These values are guides to support the overall goal of “the comprehensive protection of the Antarctic environment and dependent and associated ecosystems.”
Antarctica is a fragile and unique place, so there is cause for concern. In 1996, Warwick Vincent asked a difficult question, “can the scientific value of research activities be clearly justified against unavoidable impacts?”
The need to balance between different environmental principles in Antarctica and the importance of scientific knowledge to humankind is a reoccurring goal since – at least – the adoption of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty in 1991.
What does ‘balance’ mean in reality?
In 1990, Elinor Ostrom cautioned against “relying on metaphors as the foundation for policy advice” as they lead to “results substantially different from those presumed to be likely.”
Complexity science, the field which studies complex phenomena, is interested in real-world puzzles like these.
From the perspective of complex systems, a balance (or an imbalance), is a description of the relationship between two or more things. In mathematical terms, either arithmetic or geometric, it refers to an equality.
Human preoccupations with determining, obtaining, and maintaining equalities appear in many concerns of life – health, economics, law, ethics, spirituality – and can be traced in history through ancient Egypt, classical Greece, the Middle Ages, to today. In Aotearoa New Zealand we recognise equality in the story of Goldilocks and the concept of utu.
In Antarctica, arithmetic logic is found in the linking of scientific and environmental values as scientific gains outweighing environmental impacts, formalised in an impact assessment process structured by increasing levels of environmental impact.
Complex systems are also dynamic systems, so balance takes on an additional meaning, referring to the stability (or instability) of a system overall. Understanding the processes of stability often takes centre stage, articulated through regulation, feedback loops, and emergence.
But what does balance mean in reality for Antarctica? We know that scientific knowledge is important to humankind, but every human activity there has an impact on its environment and ecosystems.
How do we balance Antarctica’s environmental importance to the planet with the importance of scientific knowledge to humankind?
Kristin Wilson has been exploring balance in Antarctica as a PhD candidate on Te Pūnaha Matatini’s Human activity in the McMurdo Dry Valleys – Rescue, knowledge and understanding our role as a vector of change project.
Jean Donaldson is a designer and illustrator who works with Toi Āria: Design for Public Good. She is based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. You can see more of her work at

The geography of health inequities
A collaboration between health geographer Jesse Whitehead and illustrator Hanna Breurkes. Edited by Jonathan Burgess.
22 January 2025
“Dad, when are you going to die?”
I slowly open my groggy eyes to see my six-year-old daughter staring at me with a look of concern on her face. It’s 6am on a Monday morning, and I’m not ready for this.
But it is kind of my job. And not just as a parent who is supposed to somehow have an answer to all life’s impossible questions.
As a demographer and health geographer, it’s my job to think about how environments impact our health. I like maps, and use data to understand more about people and place – and how environments impact our health.
We can’t live forever, and none of us know when we’ll die. But some of us will live longer, healthier lives than others.
In Aotearoa New Zealand, health inequities are stark, persistent, and avoidable. These inequities, defined as unfair and preventable differences in health outcomes, challenge our perception of Aotearoa as a fair society. The social determinants of health – factors like housing, employment, education, and access to health services – play a significant role in these disparities.
For instance, the average life expectancy for pākeha men in Aotearoa is about 81 years, while for Māori men, it’s 73 years. This gap has widened since 2014. People living in the poorest areas of Aotearoa have a life expectancy nine years lower than those in wealthier areas.
A 1998 report from the National Health Committee clearly linked poverty to ill health, noting that the financially worst-off have the highest rates of illness and early death. Despite the passage of time, these findings remain relevant. Recent data reveals that young people under 30 living in remote areas are up to three times more likely to die than their urban counterparts.
We only found this out in 2023. What’s changed in rural Aotearoa? It turns out that health outcomes haven’t changed, but the way we look at data about people and place has. Historically, definitions of rurality in Aotearoa grouped small towns together with large urban centres based on their urban form – basically having streets, footpaths and suburbs – and lifestyle blocks on the edges of cities were considered rural. This led to misleading health research outcomes.
Under the leadership of Professor Gary Nixon, we developed a new classification system for rurality that better reflects health realities. This new system revealed that previous classifications underestimated rural health outcomes, particularly for preventable deaths.
Definitions were masking inequalities.
The conditions in which we are born, grow, work, live, and age create health differences. Rural populations in New Zealand tend to be older and poorer, with lower incomes, fewer formal qualifications, and less access to technology. These conditions are worse for Māori, especially in remote areas where 73% live in high-deprivation zones.
Poor access to health services further exacerbates these disparities. Rural communities consistently highlight access as a key issue, and the government aims to improve this through its rural health strategy.
The Covid-19 pandemic provided a stark example of how access to services impacts health outcomes. During the vaccine rollout, urban areas had numerous vaccination centres, while rural areas were often left with few options.
In the most vaccinated suburbs in Auckland, Wellington and Queenstown, the longest drive time to a vaccination centre was just five minutes. In Murupara, labelled the nations “slowest town”, the median age was 29 years – meaning that people had only just become eligible for the vaccine – and the nearest clinic was almost an hour’s drive away.
This led to significant disparities in vaccination rates, highlighting the need for a more equitable approach to health service delivery.
Looking ahead, Aotearoa faces significant demographic changes. By the 2050s, one quarter of the population could be over 65, with the number of people over 85 doubling. This ageing population will stretch health resources, with older individuals already occupying a significant portion of hospital beds. At the same time, the Māori population is young and growing, with a median age of just 27. Balancing the needs of these two demographic groups will be a major challenge.
Climate change adds another layer of complexity, bringing new health challenges such as extreme heat and more frequent severe weather events. Cyclone Gabrielle, for example, caused $14 billion in damage and significant disruption to health services. Building resilient and equitable health systems that can withstand these challenges is crucial.
Addressing health inequities in New Zealand requires a multifaceted approach. We need to improve living conditions, ensure fair access to health services, and prepare for future demographic and environmental changes.
These are complicated, intersecting and interrelated issues that nobody has a simple solution to. But research can play a part. If we can better understand the complex nuance of these problems, we can work together to create better solutions.
“Daaaadd! When are you going to die!??”
Ahh, that’s right – it’s Monday morning. How do I explain all that to a six year old?
“Well darling, nobody knows exactly when they’ll die. But if we work together to create a fairer society, we can all live longer healthier lives.”
Jesse Whitehead is principal investigator with Te Pūnaha Matatini, who focuses on impact and equity through health geography and demography.
Hanna is a designer and illustrator who is passionate about designing to improve wellbeing and is inspired by nature.

Biking through the future in Ōtautahi
A collaboration between ecologist Will Godsoe and illustrator Jean Donaldson. Edited by Jonathan Burgess.
9 December 2024
At an undisclosed location on the campus of Lincoln University, on the South Island of Aotearoa New Zealand, I enter a neglected bike shed whose interior can be charitably described as… punk. The “floor” of asphalt is a mess with leaves. Then again, the shed is surrounded by student dorms, so the old leaf smell is comparatively nice. I unplug my ebike, sneak past the other bikes in the shed, and shove open the heavy corrugated metal door.
I think of my e-bike as a hedge against disasters, big and small. On the one hand using bikes like this is one strategy to mitigate the pollution that causes climate change (i.e. a big disaster). On the other hand biking reminds me to fit exercise in my schedule to reduce my high blood pressure (a potentially personal disaster).
I don’t have to look that far for a reminder of disasters. On my left is the site of the old Hilgendorf Building. In 2009 this concrete University building was named a “brutalist classic”. The 2011 Canterbury earthquake damaged the building so much that it was abandoned. It was a skeleton when I first came to campus in 2014, then a demolition site, then a lake. Ten years later I zoom past its replacement, Waimarie – coated head to foot in solar panels.
I then zip into town along a broad and sealed bike lane following an abandoned railway line. Along the way, I keep an eye out for old friends cycling towards Lincoln. There are a couple of friends that I’d probably lose touch with in the absence of such opportunities. I’m rewarded by a beautiful sunset over the Southern Alps.
When I get to my daughter’s school the parking lot is a massive traffic jam of cars, but we soon saunter past and go down the “southern expressway”: a new bike lane towards town. There is presumably another traffic jam between Riccarton Road and the Riccarton Mall, but I don’t give it a second thought.
It’s Friday, so we stop for pretzels in Punky Brewster, a pub in an old warehouse along the bike trail. My wife meets us and we bike through Hagley Park and past the electric tram to get to a community event in town. At the memorial bridge we spot Mulletman and his unicycle show. Not wanting to miss “the world’s leading expert in follicular entertainment” we park our bikes right next to the show and watch for a few minutes. We are then right in town to look for a family outing, such as dancing at the dance-o-mat or a busker’s festival.
Biking through Ōtautahi gives me a vision of the future. I say this guardedly. These days it seems like visions of the future all concern dystopias – versions of a future where the only things worth talking about are wreck, ruin and the apocalypse. It’s easy to draw a dystopian vision of Christchurch where the recovery from earthquakes is the cherry on top of all the other worries of the world. However, biking through Christchurch (on the right cycleway) can be sunny, socially dreamy and cosy – at most it is apocalypse adjacent.
Instead of a dystopia, biking through Christchurch is closer to what novelists have started to describe as solarpunk. It is a vision of the future where disasters such as those caused by climate change occur, but people find value in building a better future in their aftermath.
This can be on a global scale like in Kim Stanley Robinson’s Ministry of the Future, where the pollution causing climate change is arrested using tools ranging from airships to bureaucratic banking reform. Or it can be small-scale like in Susan Kaye Quinn’s Planting the shell bones, in which the main character hides in an old light house and covertly creates new oyster beds with sea shells.
Compared to fictional solarpunk, Ōtautahi’s better future is down to earth, visible and in some cases quite literally concrete. It includes reminders of the need for disaster preparedness, including a litany of broken buildings and carparks from the 2011 earthquake. These are placed side-by-side with the tools to reduce the pollution causing climate change.
There is new technology (such as my ebike), changes in policy that make me free to use that technology safely (thank you bike lane), and nudges to do things I value (stop for sunsets, and an easy trip into town for a show). It’s a future of electric trams winding their way through downtown, and the residential red zone rendered uninhabitable by the earthquakes transitioning to a regenerated green space.
The future is often unimaginable, sometimes hopeful, sometimes big and scary. Taking a bike ride through Ōtautahi reminds us that unimaginable things happen and we need to get on with them in our lives. With any luck we’ve already prepared for them. Some of the unimaginable things will be bad – like the decade-long recovery from the earthquake. Some of them will be great – like biking under cherry trees to get to downtown festivals.
Will Godsoe is a Principal Investigator with Te Pūnaha Matatini who seeks to better forecast how species will respond to climate change and other environmental disturbances.
Jean Donaldson is a designer and illustrator who works with Toi Āria: Design for Public Good. She is based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. You can see more of her work at
Changes to the Marsden Fund and Catalyst Fund
5 December 2024
The New Zealand Government’s decision to restructure the Marsden Fund and Catalyst Fund is more than a simple budgetary adjustment – it is a pivotal moment.
This decision comes in the context of international pressure on research funding, and lack of understanding of the value that researchers bring to our society. This rift partly explains why we have reached this moment. We have an opportunity to engage in a productive national dialogue to highlight the fundamental role of research and researchers in our society.
By narrowing research funding to a prescriptive economic lens, we risk undermining the complex ecosystem of knowledge production. Researchers are critical independent advisors who generate insights that transcend immediate fiscal calculations. Their work generates systemic value through innovative problem-solving, policy development, and societal understanding that often yields unpredictable yet profound economic and social benefits over the long term.
The most pressing challenges of our time – climate change, technological disruption, social inequalities – defy simplistic disciplinary boundaries. They require nuanced, interdisciplinary approaches that integrate quantitative and qualitative perspectives. An example close to home is that both modelling flood risk and understanding social resilience is crucial to the recovery and flourishing of communities affected by recent natural disasters.
Leading research institutions globally, including the International Science Council, emphasise the necessity of diverse scholarly engagement that centres human complexity across multiple scales. To create true innovation, our research infrastructure and funding needs to support intellectual diversity, collaborative thinking and a commitment to understanding our world’s complex challenges.
- Marsden Fund refocused for science with a purpose – New Zealand Government
- Catalyst Fund updated for global impact – New Zealand Government

He takitākinga ki te whakarauora taiao ki te tāonenui
Image: Erana Walker with Te Pūnaha Matatini Co-Director Cilla Wehi.
2 December 2024
Kua takahia kua tākina e Erana Walker te ara ki te whakarauora taiao ki te tāonenui. Ki tōna wā kāinga ake, ki roto o tōna whānau ake, he āhua māmā te whai o te kaitiakitanga ki reira. Ēngari mō roto o iwi kē, ki wāhi kē, he mana whenua anō o reira hei aha koa te tini o ngā mata-ā-waka, ngā tūākiri, ngā whakapapa kē atu.
Nō tāna āta tirotiro i te whīwhiwhi o ngā hononga o waenga o ngā tāngata whenua, o ngā mata-ā-waka, me te taiao tāna tuhinga mō te kaitiakitanga ki ngā takiwā tāonenui. Kua whakamihatia e te New Zealand Ecological Society, kua whakawhiwhia a Erana ki tā rātou tohu ‘Oustanding Publication on New Zealand Ecology.’
He whakahirahira ki te ao Māori ki te 80 paihēneti o ngā iwi/Māori kei ngā taonenui e noho ana. I ētehi wā he uaua kē te hono a te tangata ki a Papatūānuku ki te takiwā o ngā taonenui. He hirahira anō taua uaua ki te kore te tangata e whai whakapapa ki taua takiwā. He aukatinga nō te tauwehenga mai i te ūkaipō, me te kore mārama ki aua takiwā tauhou.
Heoi anō he kaha kē ake te whai a ngā iwi/Māori mē he whakapānga ki ngā mātauranga iwi taketake. Kei aua māramatanga mai he tiaki i te whakarauora o te taiao me te haere ngātahi o te akiaki i ngā tikanga a te manawhenua, he whaiora mō te taiao, mō te tangata.
Ko Erana tētehi pia o Te Tira Maurikura o Te Pūnaha Matatini. Ko ana kaiāwhina ki tēnei rangahau ko Tim Jowett o Te Whare Wānanga o Ōtākou rātou, ko Cilla Wehi ko Hēmi Whaanga tētehi o ngā pou rangahau o Te Pūnaha Matatini ko Cilla Wehi tētehi o ngā tumuaki o Te Pūnaha Matatini. He mahi ngātahi tēnei pepa, he whai whakaaro ki te whīwhiwhi o te kaitiakitanga ki te takiwā o ngā taonenui, ko tā ngā pou rangahau he tūhura i taua whīwhiwhi, he whai kaha hoki ki te manaaki i a Erana hei pia o te rangahau.
Ko tā rātou otirā tā Erana, he akiaki i ngā kairangahau, kai mahi, kai whakamahere, kai whakatika kaupapa here, taea noatia ngā rōpū whakahaere ki te mahi ngātahi me ngā mana whenua o ngā rohe e tirohia ana kia whai wāhi mai ai ngā tukanga ā-iwi taketake ki roto o ngā mahinga a te hapori ā-taone huri noa.
The Waitaua Stream flows past Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Rawhitiroa in Tikipunga on its way to the Whangārei Harbour. It was here that Erana Walker (Te Parawhau, Ngāti Rua Mahue, Ngāti Porou, Ngāi Te Rangi) got her first taste of environmental restoration.
The Waitaua Stream is culturally important to the hapu of Whangārei, and Erana worked alongside the local council, other schools and other community groups to restore the stream, and grow the consciousness in her whānau, hapu and wider school community about the stream.
Erana says that this was her springboard into environmentalism, although she doesn’t like to use this term, because it’s really the realm of kaitiakitanga – looking after te taiao the natural world. Being involved in a restoration project was comfortable in Whangārei, where Erana had the backing of her community to do so, but restoration work became more challenging after she moved to Hamilton – within someone else’s tribal boundaries.
This got Erana thinking deeply about the complex interrelationships between tangata whenua who have whakapapa connections to urban spaces, mātāwaka who have settled in these spaces from other tribal lands, and nature. This is reflected in the recent paper that she led on cultural stewardship in urban spaces, which has just been awarded the Outstanding Publication on New Zealand Ecology award from the New Zealand Ecological Society.
80% of Māori in Aotearoa live in urban areas. This affects their connections to place, culture, identity, language and knowledge. Erana’s paper explores the results of a survey of 214 urban Māori, who shared their perceptions of kaitiakitanga, cultural practices and restoration activities.
Image: 80% of Māori in Aotearoa live in urban areas.
By analysing the survey results through the lens of mātauranga Māori, and layering qualitative and quantitative approaches from social science, ecology and statistics, Erana and the team were able to generate rich data that provides actionable insight for improving ecological restoration in urban areas.
It is important for people to connect to nature, but in urban areas, this can be harder to do. “Urban spaces are hard places to exist for a lot of people,” explains Erana. “Whether you’re young or old, whether you’re a migrant person, whether you’re from another area or hapu or from the local communities, there’s so many layers happening in urban spaces.”
People want to connect to nature in urban spaces, but what does that mean if they don’t have a whakapapa connection to a place? Erana’s research found that disconnection from tribal areas and limited knowledge in urban areas were barriers to these practices for urban Māori.
“The most pressing challenge is the difference in knowledge between age groups,” explains Erana. “Our survey data showed that older participants are really knowledgeable about kaitiakitanga, and they have experience that is really beneficial to share – but our younger people don’t. For me, that’s a really big challenge, but also a great opportunity – if we can bring these age groups together in some form of restoration project, our older people can share the kōrero tuku iho of the area, and our younger people can utilise that to create their own form of ecological restoration in urban spaces.”
Image: Kaumatua are knowledgeable about kaitiakitanga and have experience that is beneficial to share. Tom Roa and Te Waiarani Harawira at Waikirikiri Marae in April 2024.
The survey showed that Māori were more drawn to restoration that was culturally framed, making them likely to participate in ecological restoration organised by marae or iwi communities than by local councils or government. This insight provides a clear opportunity to guide targeted approaches to restoration activities, an approach that requires complex systems thinking.
Understanding the challenges for Indigenous peoples to express stewardship in urban spaces may benefit restoration efforts and encourage Indigenous populations to have better connection and care of nature in cities.
“There is a clear opportunity to transform urban spaces through Indigenous concepts and knowledge,” Erana writes. This cultural knowledge can help to enhance ecological restoration spaces, while also supporting opportunities to express cultural practice – increasing the wellbeing of both nature and people.
Erana is part of Te Tira Maurikura, a community for Te Pūnaha Matatini’s emerging investigators. The team that supported her in this research included University of Otago statistician Tim Jowett, and Te Pūnaha Matatini Principal Investigators Hēmi Whaanga and Cilla Wehi. The paper was a team effort, in which each author brought their expertise and perspective to explore the complexity of kaitiakitanga in urban spaces and to support Erana to grow as a researcher.
Erana encourages restoration practitioners, planners, policy makers and governance organisations to engage directly with their Indigenous communities, and move beyond aesthetic representations to integrate Indigenous knowledge, value systems and practices into the fabric and function of urban areas. For policy makers and city planners, this means moving beyond linear frameworks for intervention planning, and embracing complexity.
“Urban spaces are people’s homes, and they have rich histories and rich cultural practices,” says Erana. “We should be providing spaces for people to share this knowledge and these important practices with the wider urban community.”
Cultural stewardship in urban spaces: Reviving Indigenous knowledge for the restoration of nature – People and Nature

Introducing our first guest artist: Sione Faletau
28 November 2024
At Te Pūnaha Matatini we value the opportunity to work with artists to explore how art and research come together to tell stories about our world. Eager to bring new perspectives to our research, and to create opportunities to engage new audiences with complex systems, we were equally delighted and daunted to receive over 40 applications from some immensely talented artists across Aotearoa New Zealand to be a guest artist with us.
It brings us great pleasure to introduce Te Pūnaha Matatini’s first guest artist: Dr Sione Faletau. Sione is a multidisciplinary artist of Tongan descent, who often translates soundscapes into visual kupesi (patterns) by extracting and manipulating the audio wave spectrum into intricate designs. During his six-months with Te Pūnaha Matatini, Sione will use a talanoa approach to develop site-specific installations in close collaboration with researchers that align with his artistic practice.
To introduce himself, Sione answered a few questions:
Can you tell us a bit about your background and how you became interested in art?
Si’oto’ofa Malo e lelei. My name is Sione Faletau, and I am a New Zealand-born Tongan. My roots trace back to the villages of Taunga, Vava’u on my father’s side and Lakepa, Tongatapu on my mother’s side. I am a multidisciplinary artist based in Ōtara, South Auckland. For me, art is a vehicle for creative research and self-discovery – it has become a way to delve deeper into my Tongan heritage and engage with the broader world.
I pursued my studies at the University of Auckland’s Elam School of Fine Arts, where I honed my skills and began shaping my practice.
Image: Sione Faletau’s doctoral project explored Tongan masculinity from an Indigenous perspective.
What themes or concepts do you explore in your work, and how do they relate to complex systems?
My work often revolves around sound – specifically the audio wave spectrum – as the foundation for visual creation. By translating sound frequencies into visual patterns, I create kupesi (Tongan motifs) that bring talanoa (cultural dialogues) into a visual language. This process embodies complexity, as it intertwines cultural narratives, environmental data, and visual art into cohesive, layered works.
How do you approach the process of creating your art? Do you have any specific techniques or methods you prefer?
My creative process begins with research. I immerse myself in reading, gathering information, and engaging in talanoa. This research phase allows me to deeply understand the subject I’m exploring. From there, I use sound recordings, audio spectrums, and digital tools to create visual patterns. The talanoa often informs both the conceptual and aesthetic aspects of the work, ensuring that it is grounded in cultural and contextual meaning.
Can you share a particular project or piece that you feel best represents your artistic vision and why?
One project that stands out is my commissioned work for The Lightship on Quay Street in Auckland. For this piece, I recorded the sounds of the Ports of Auckland, the surrounding Auckland CBD, and the Waitematā Harbour. These audio recordings were transformed into visual kupesi and displayed as large-scale light led art works. This work encapsulates my artistic vision as it marries site-specific data, cultural storytelling, and a dynamic visual language to engage both the environment and the audience.
Image: The Lightship sparkles across the water in downtown Auckland.
What inspired you to collaborate with Te Pūnaha Matatini, and how do you see your art contributing to the understanding of complex systems?
The potential for collaboration and innovation inspired me to work with Te Pūnaha Matatini. Art and science share a foundation in curiosity and exploration, and both engage with complex systems in unique ways. I see this partnership as an opportunity to explore interdisciplinary connections and uncover new ways of understanding. Through my art, I aim to visualize these complex systems, making them accessible and engaging to a broader audience.
What do you hope audiences will take away from your work, especially in the context of its connection to complex systems research?
I hope audiences come away with an appreciation for the interconnectedness of cultural, environmental, and scientific systems. My work invites viewers to experience the unseen or unheard elements of our world in a tangible, visual form. By highlighting these connections, I hope to inspire curiosity, reflection, and a deeper understanding of the intricate systems that shape our lives.

Making change in complex systems
25 October 2024
This is the final post in our series on complexity. We’ve explored some of the ways that studying complex systems gives us a more nuanced way of understanding the world, how this is relevant to all our lives, and the unique contributions we can make to this new way of understanding the world from Aotearoa New Zealand.
Change happens all the time. Humans grow and age, days shift from light to dark, and people move between cities and jobs.
Some changes are expected and natural – like human growth and ageing. Some are cyclical – like the seasons. And some are the outcome of complex circumstances – like a global financial crisis. Some changes can be anticipated, but others are unpredictable. And some changes are desirable, while others might need to be prevented or reverted.
Sometimes we want to create the conditions for change through human intervention. We can do this as individuals, communities or through other organised efforts of society such as our governance and policy systems.
Our big global problems can seem overwhelming, but by recognising how systems are related, we can create meaningful solutions.
Human intervention within complex systems
Understanding complex systems helps us to figure out how to make the changes we want, and prevent the ones we don’t. Recognising that systems have behaviour – like emergence and feedback – can show us how and where to intervene to create change.
Approaching something like health as a complex system allows us to identify interventions that are more likely to succeed. Doctors often tell people to eat better to improve their health. But choosing what to eat is not the same for everyone. The type of food available to people, their budgets, the amount of time they have, and how much they know about nutrition all affect the food they eat. Because of this, trying to treat health issues like heart disease or diabetes by focusing on individual behaviour will have limited success.
Instead, a complex systems approach to health shows that solutions also include better job opportunities, increasing incomes, creating fairer rules on the type and location of stores where people buy food, and strengthening how much say the community has in local and national government decisions. These interventions create the conditions that make it easier for people to choose healthy food that nourishes them.
Scales matter for making change
Different scales and the relationships between them are important when acting within complex systems. In health, evidence and treatment options will be different when focussing solely on individuals, rather than considering communities. Medications and behaviour changes help to treat and control disease in individuals, but treating the clustering of diseases in local communities requires changes in social and physical environments to prevent individuals from becoming sick in the first place.
Seeing problems from a whole system perspective provides information about what solutions might need to look like. We saw this during Cyclone Gabrielle. In Tairāwhiti and Hawkes Bay, the loss of telecommunications, power outages, and damage and destruction to roading and bridges caused many difficulties for evacuations, and made health services inaccessible. The elderly and people living with disabilities were particularly affected as they could not easily move around, which meant they had difficulties evacuating and getting the help they needed. Without telecommunications, doctors and pharmacies struggled to access patient medical records, and people could not pay for essentials such as medicine, food or petrol with their Eftpos cards.
The consequences of this cyclone crossed different communities, organisations and areas. But not all communities were affected in the same ways, and the evacuation, health and social support needs varied within and across the regions. Multiple and connected social actions were needed to address the impacts as they evolved, and to support those communities and groups most affected in the days, weeks and months following the cyclone.
Learning from the past and adapting to a changing future
Complex systems are open and interact with their environments, which means they have the capacity to adapt and learn.
With repeated extreme weather events in Tairāwhiti over the past 18 months, many parts of the community have been learning and adapting. Lessons have been captured and are helping us become better prepared for future events.
Land use is now a key priority for communities, and there is much stronger advocacy for policy changes – particularly recognising the responsibilities of forestry companies. Others have been adapting in smaller ways by planting up land alongside waterways, or on their own properties. Many whānau, neighbourhoods and communities now have clear plans in place for future extreme weather events.
In the months since Cyclone Gabrielle, a learning system developed through local community groups and organisations working with researchers to help capture the lessons and make changes. The benefits of these lessons will be felt right across the country. As we face more frequent extreme weather events due to climate change, the lessons learned in Tairāwhiti show that we need to be ready with improved infrastructure, and better planning for community resilience.
Understanding complexity supports better interventions
Social, economic and health systems are built by humans, and we can change them.
Instead of only focusing on change to isolated parts of the system, complex systems approaches focus on whole system change. They help us to identify levers like cultural norms or money flows that cross scales, or increasing the ability to adapt through better data and information linked to flexible resource use. We can also design and construct new systems so that they better meet the needs of our rapidly changing world.
We live within complex systems which interact with each other through feedback and emerge from local conditions. And there are ways to design our systems that recognise this – something long understood by many Indigenous cultures with knowledge systems and practices embedded in the relationships between humans and the environment.
There is an increase in social movements that advocate for human-influenced systems to be regenerative. These include: economies that take account of our finite resources; food systems that respond to local needs and their environmental impact; and governance systems that give power and agency to communities to improve local conditions and adapt to changing environments.
In the face of problems like climate change or inequality, it can be challenging to know how best to intervene or contribute towards change. Complex systems approaches can help identify strategies to effect large scale change, whilst acknowledging the power of small local acts that can reach across the boundaries of scales to influence the bigger picture.
This focus on relationships has potential to increase the speed and effectiveness of our responses to large-scale emergencies. A focus on complexity can help us to shift away from isolated, hierarchical action and mindsets.
If we make systems visible and understand how they are connected, we can change them.
A collaboration between Te Pūnaha Matatini Principal Investigators Anna Matheson, Holly Thorpe and Markus Luczak-Roesch, and illustrator Hanna Breurkes. Edited by Jonathan Burgess.
Read more about the foundations of complex systems

Spreading: How something travels across a network
2 October 2024
This is the fifth of a series of posts on complexity. We’ll be exploring some of the ways that studying complex systems gives us a more nuanced way of understanding the world, how this is relevant to all our lives, and the unique contributions we can make to this new way of understanding the world from Aotearoa New Zealand.
On a Thursday afternoon in June, a power pylon toppled over in a small rural area in Aotearoa New Zealand, cutting power to most of the Northland region.
This happened after contractors removed too many nuts from the bolts securing the pylon during cleaning. The seemingly mundane act of removing these nuts led to catastrophic effects: the three unsecured legs of the pylon lifted, the tower toppled off its base, and the resulting electricity outage affected 100,000 properties.
Electricity is distributed through a network, and this particular pylon was crucial to the network. The removal of the pylon had a massive impact on the transmission of power between communities.
Things spread through networks
Networks are made up of nodes and links. Electricity networks are easy to imagine, with power stations and substations the nodes, and power lines the links that connect them.
Not all networks are as visible as power grids. For example, we can think of people as nodes in social networks, and their interactions as links between them. Information, ideas and disease travel through these networks as power may flow through an electrical grid.
When we talk about “spread”, we’re looking at how something travels from one node to another across a network. Sometimes we want things to spread through networks with as little difficulty as possible, such as electricity or food. In other cases, we want to prevent things spreading through the network, like disease or extremist ideologies.
In the 21st century, understanding how things spread on networks is vital for the world to thrive. The Covid-19 pandemic made this very clear. Knowing that the virus spread through close contact with infected individuals, governments were able to make policies and give advice on the most effective way to sever networks to prevent spread. Just like that downed power pylon in Northland, removing links prevented spread on the network.
The networks that spread information fundamentally shape our experience of the world
Information is another thing that spreads on networks. This happens over many scales – from talking to your neighbour over the fence, to reading online news from the other side of the world.
Even in our digitally-connected world, information is still closely related to geography. We still prefer to interact with people who share our worldview, which in turn influences where we choose to live and work, and the kind of information that we access – nodes can often choose which links are created which, in turn, influences the nature of future links.
Companies that depend on producing and implementing new knowledge depend on these networks. It’s no accident that Silicon Valley developed around Stanford University and continues to be a hub for the high tech sector. These environments make it easy for information to spread between like-minded people and are often constructed intentionally – as in the case of science parks. In short, the dissemination of information within networks can profoundly affect the design and growth of physical spaces.
Important nodes in information networks that spread information between communities are often referred to as `brokers’ or `structural holes’. These brokers are an important part of how societies reach consensus. One example of brokerage in the context of information spreading is how iwi and other communities are represented in governmental bodies through elected representatives. These people act as bridges between communities and the broader political system, facilitating the flow of information between them. They relay the community’s concerns to the government and bring back key updates, ensuring both sides stay informed and engaged.
The structure of networks affects how things spread
The structure of the network, including how densely connected it is and whether it contains distinct groups or isolated nodes, plays a crucial role in how quickly and widely information spreads. Communities within the network may facilitate rapid sharing within their group but slow the flow to others. Additionally, the strength and frequency of connections between nodes can impact the speed of diffusion – strong, frequent interactions often lead to faster spread, while weak or sporadic ties may slow it down.
Different things can simultaneously spread across a network. This was highlighted during Covid-19 as the spread of disease and information between people interacted in complex ways – such as misinformation influencing behaviour – with tangible effects on the health of people across the world.
Food and values spread like electricity
Thinking in networks shows how different phenomena, both tangible and abstract, spread in remarkably similar ways. The simple example of electricity supply failing due to a fallen pylon can give us insight into seemingly unrelated things, like the distribution of food – or values and beliefs.
The food that we depend on for survival is distributed through a network. This was made starkly clear by the disruption of Covid-19, which restricted the flow of food between food producers and household consumers. Food producers, retailers and restaurants – or, nodes in the network – were affected by unwell workers working at reduced capacity, or closed as non-essential businesses, and the links between these nodes were disrupted.
However, while the usual regular food supply chains were constrained, local communities self-organised to decentralise the network. Alternative food networks were established to get food to people who needed it, through informal and voluntary efforts by communities. That is, new links sprung up organically and at a more local scale to compensate for disruption at the national scale. Communities saw the value in these emergent experiments, which has meant that some of these novel and innovative networks have persisted. This new coexistence of food distribution networks at distinct scales has improved the resilience of aspects of the spread of these vital, and delicious, components of our daily lives.
This example demonstrates how seemingly different things like food and values can spread through networks and interact with each other in unexpected ways. While food moves through a physical network, values hitch a ride and shape the way in which these networks form and persist—the values that led to informal food networks being set up have also helped sustain them, as their success reinforced the underlying beliefs that keep them going.
Qualitatively different but quantitatively similar
Electricity, ideas, values, food, disease – many different things spread across networks. Although they are different in character, these networks often have the same universal underlying architecture, and behave in quantitatively similar ways. This means that by studying networks, we can gain insight into the spread of seemingly very different phenomena.
If a power pylon can fall over and cut power to 100,000 properties, what does this mean for other things that spread across networks?
A collaboration between Te Pūnaha Matatini Principal Investigators Kyle Higham and Emma Sharp, and illustrator Hanna Breurkes. Edited by Jonathan Burgess.