Fraser Morgan

Fraser Morgan

Principal Investigator


Fraser is the Science Team Leader of the Landscape Policy and Governance team at Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research. Fraser completed a PhD in Geography at the University of Auckland in 2011. His main research interests are focused on people and policy within geospatial models. Focal areas cover Antarctica, terrestrial bioregions, environmental impact assessments, and land use and land cover change models.

Currently, Fraser co-leads an MBIE research programme investigating rural land managers’ confidence and agency to take early action to address complex environmental issues in increasingly uncertain environmental and societal settings. Fraser also continues to investigate the ecological and environmental pressures on the Ross Sea region of Antarctica through the Antarctic Science Platform. His strong interest in science to policy advice led him to work on the Antarctic Environments Portal, a platform for science to policy advice to the Antarctic Consultative Treaty Meetings, in association with Antarctica New Zealand.

Find out more about Fraser