Investigators' Blog

Dr Rebecca Priestley wins Prime Minister’s Prize – fourth for Te Pūnaha Matatini

Dr Rebecca Priestley wins Prime Minister’s Prize – fourth for Te Pūnaha Matatini

Te Pūnaha Matatini investigator Dr Rebecca Priestley has been announced as the winner of the 2016 Prime Minister’s Science Communication Prize. 

Dr Priestley is a senior lecturer at Victoria University of Wellington in the Science in Society Group. She has been an Associate Investigator in Te Pūnaha Matatini since the Centre was established in 2015.

Te Pūnaha Matatini is one of ten national Centres of Research Excellence. Its research focuses on the science of complex systems and networks, and applies this to study problems in society, the environment, and the economy. Dr Priestley co-leads a project in the Centre that studies public engagement by researchers.

“Dr Priestley is unique amongst New Zealand’s science communicators”, says Prof Shaun Hendy, Director of Te Pūnaha Matatini. “She is not only an accomplished science writer and journalist, she also has academic standing as one of New Zealand’s leading historians of science and has undertaken pioneering work in the study of science’s engagement with society.”

She received the $100,000 prize from the Prime Minister at an event in Wellington today, joining Te Pūnaha Matatini’s Dr Michelle Dickinson, Dr Siouxsie Wiles and Prof Hendy, as previous winners of the prize. 

“We’ve placed public engagement and communication of our research at the heart of our mission” added Hendy, “and so it should be no surprise that Te Pūnaha Matatini has become the meeting place for New Zealand’s leading science communicators.”

Some of Dr Priestley’s prize money will be used to establish New Zealand’s first fund to support science journalism. Te Pūnaha Matatini will also contribute to this fund.

“As newsrooms shrink, it is getting harder for the media to cover science,” says Hendy. “For science engagement to work well, journalists need to be able to take the time to cover science stories critically. We hope this fund will help sustain independent science journalism in New Zealand.” 

Contact: Dr Rebecca Priestley ( 021 917050); Prof Shaun Hendy ( 021 1442349)

Taking a stand for science and society

Taking a stand for science and society

The world has taken a horrible turn for the worse in the last few weeks. Following a rather bizarre inauguration weekend that featured a running dispute over the size of Trump’s crowd and then the inspiring Women’s March, the Trump Administration unsettled the world with a flurry of controversial orders, some likely illegal and most certainly immoral. I did not expect to see things go this wrong, this fast.  

The travel bans were probably the most frightening in intent, blocking people from travelling to the US on the basis of their place of birth, including existing legal residents as well refugees who were on the verge of making a new start. The orders themselves were drafted to avoid the overt racism and hostility towards Muslim society that characterised the Trump campaign, but failed in this by their construction on the flimsiest of pretexts. It was a dog-whistle that everybody could hear.

The impact on many people, including those fleeing wars in Syria and Yemen, was immediate. Around the world students, refugees, and others in vulnerable circumstances were turned away or detained at airports, separated from their families, or saw their hopes for escaping deadly conflict destroyed.

Te Pūnaha Matatini is the meeting place of many faces, and amongst our diverse community are friends and colleagues who have been directly affected by this ban. Just as we would not tolerate a researcher who refused to work with people on the basis of their place of birth, their gender, or their religious beliefs, we also have no tolerance for politicians who craft policies that use this as a basis to single out vulnerable people for harm.

What can we do? At Te Pūnaha Matatini HQ we’ve been writing to people in positions of power to urge them to take a stand. If you’d like to know how we’ve been going about this, then drop us a line.

We will also be supporting the March for Science, which will take place on Earth Day, April 22. The focal point for the March will be Washington DC, but there will also be marches in cities in New Zealand. You can follow @ScienceMarch_NZ on twitter if you would like to join in here in New Zealand.

This march is not just for scientists. The Trump administration has already sent strong signals that it is willing to hinder the science community’s ability to speak to the public and it is highly likely that cuts to science funding will follow. Climate change and the degradation of the environment will affect everyone, however, and it is the already marginalised who stand to lose the most. And none of the crises that society faces today are solvable unless we also address social injustice.   

I’ve seen and heard comments that politics has no place in science, but these remind me of what I heard when New Zealanders marched against the Springbok Tour in 1981. One must acknowledge that science flourishes under some political arrangements, while it fails under others. When politicians abandon tolerant discourse, respect for others, and dismiss the value of evidence, science is in trouble. Whose job is it then to ensure the public understands this, if not the science community?

I’ve also seen pleas from some scientists to be left alone in their labs to get on with their science; some high profile scientists have argued that by addressing intersectionality, the march organisers are also attempting to put politics into science. We know that in science itself there are inequities and power structures that prevent or make it harder for some groups of people to become scientists in the first place. Only the most privileged in our society have labs in which to hide. There is no equivalence between the politics of Trump that seeks to exclude, and the efforts of many scientists to make science accessible to everyone.

Shaun Hendy is Director of Te Pūnaha Matatini. In 2016 he authored the book Silencing Science which explores the public obligations of scientists and instances where scientists have been prevented from speaking out.

Scholarship established following “Hidden Figures” gala screening

Scholarship established following “Hidden Figures” gala screening

A fundraising campaign and gala screening of the critically acclaimed film Hidden Figures has raised $13,500 to help establish a scholarship for women to study physical sciences, maths or engineering in 2018.

Te Pūnaha Matatini’s Executive Manager Kate Hannah, Deputy Director Dr Siouxsie Wiles and University of Auckland Associate Professor Nicola Gaston from the Department of Physics organised the fundraising campaign to raise the profile of Māori and Pacific female scientists and students.

Listen to an interview with Kate Hannah on Radio Zealand’s Morning Report:

In addition to funds raised through the Givealittle campaign, five New Zealand Centres of Research Excellence provided financial contributions toward the scholarship: Te Pūnaha Matatini, the Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies, the MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Technology, the Maurice Wilkins Centre, and Brain Research New Zealand. The University of Auckland Department of Physics also contributed.

The scholarship will be administered by the Association for Women in the Sciences (AWIS).

20th Century Fox, EVENT Cinemas, SOHO Wines and L’Oreal New Zealand provided valued assistance and promotional material for the gala screening of Hidden Figures.

Donate to an ongoing scholarship fund to support women in New Zealand science.

Read more:

Analytics to improve health delivery systems

Analytics to improve health delivery systems

Te Pūnaha Matatini Associate Investigator Dr Michael O’Sullivan discusses analytics to improve health delivery systems.

Michael researches a combination of Operations Research and Analytics and is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Engineering Science and the Precise, and Timely Healthcare Theme Leader at the Precision Driven Health Research Partnership. The latter is a data science research initiative that features collaborations between the University of Auckland and partners in the public, corporate and healthcare sectors.

This presentation was recorded at an Orion Health Seminar on 6th December, 2016.

Maths Craft Festival

Maths Craft Festival

Enjoy craft? Then you probably enjoy mathematics too, you just may not know it. This was the idea behind the recent Maths Craft Festival, a weekend-long festival held at the Auckland Museum, celebrating the many links between mathematics and craft. The Festival was the creation of Jeanette McLeod (University of Canterbury/Te Pūnaha Matatini) and Julia Collins (University of Edinburgh), who were inspired to start the festival after a serendipitous encounter while Julia was on holiday in Christchurch. Jeanette and Julia – both avid knitters and crocheters – wanted to find a way to share the beautiful mathematics behind craft with the public. Jeanette pitched the idea to Te Pūnaha Matatini who responded with instant enthusiasm, and not only offered to be the major sponsor, but encouraged Jeanette and Julia to “think big”. With that, the idea of the Maths Craft Festival was born. A short time later, after being coerced into crocheting a hyperbolic plane, Phil Wilson (University of Canterbury) was recruited. Together the trio went on to create the first event of its kind in New Zealand.

The Festival combined eight hands-on craft stations with a series of public talks, and was immensely popular, even making an appearance on One News. Over 1,800 people visited the Festival, trying their hands at a range of mathematical crafts, including crocheting hyperbolic planes, building fractal sculptures, making Möbius strips and folding origami dodecahedrons. The public talks were given by mathematicians and crafters, and covered topics ranging from the mathematics of knitting, and the Four Colour Theorem, to fractals in art and nature, and chaos and the crocheted Lorenz Manifold. (In fact, Prof Hinke Osinga issued a challenge during her talk: be the first in NZ to crochet a Lorenz manifold and she will send you a bottle of champagne.) The Festival was the largest event run at the Museum in over six months, and was praised by staff for not only its popularity, but for attracting a such diverse group of people.

The Festival was an experiment, born of a desire to share the beauty of the mathematics in crafts, and it really hit a nerve. The positive feedback was overwhelming, with comments like “What a great event, our whole family has enjoyed it, from age 7-47!” and “Thank you for putting up such a cool event! Math is awesome.” Others thought that it was “Brilliant to see so many people old and young being enthused by mathematics. Let’s hope more of these events happen as there is clearly high demand for more maths related fun.” School teachers were inspired and “Have come away with some fabulous ideas to share with numerous teachers and their classrooms across Auckland. Looking forward to this becoming a regular event …. hint, hint.” In fact, the most common piece of feedback can be summed up by this comment: “Loved it, please repeat!

What did people learn from attending the Festival? Aside from experiencing the “fascinating complexity and depth to all of the various constructions”, they were “amazed by how much breadth mathematics encompasses”, and have now come to realise that “Fractals are EVERYWHERE” and “Geometry is way cool.” And perhaps most heartening of all, that “Maths is exciting” and “maths can be fun!

The Festival has proved to be so popular that Auckland Museum have asked for it to be run again next year – in their Events Centre, the copper dome on the roof of the museum with a 360-degree view over Auckland and space for 500 people. Plans are also underway to take Maths Craft on the road in 2017, and run events in other parts of New Zealand.

For more information on the Maths Craft Festival, or in case you’re yearning to fold an origami dodecahedron or crochet a hyperbolic plane, please visit

The Maths Craft Festival couldn’t have happened without the help and support of Shaun Hendy, Kate Hannah, Sarah Hikuroa, Danene Jones, Nicolette Rattenbury, Sarah Mark, Andrea Webley and the Auckland Museum, and our generous sponsors Te Pūnaha Matatini, the University of Canterbury, the University of Auckland, the New Zealand Mathematical Society, the Dodd-Walls Centre and Ashford.

InfectedNZ – Twitter Q+A

InfectedNZ – Twitter Q+A

Did you miss our InfectedNZ campaign with Figure.NZ? Don’t worry – we’ve put together a collection of resources and Twitter Q+A to help answer your burning questions.


Twitter Q+A

Reception for Women in Mathematics and their Supporters at NZ Mathematics Colloquium

Reception for Women in Mathematics and their Supporters at NZ Mathematics Colloquium

After the AGM for the New Zealand Mathematical Society on Monday 5th of December, there will be a reception for women in mathematics and their supporters. Everyone is welcome. The reception is sponsored by Te Pūnaha Matatini and will be chaired by Principal Investigator Dion O’Neale.

The event theme is: Being an ally: what we can all do to improve equity.

Abstract: Advocating for improved equity is a task that often falls to members of under-represented groups. This is problematic for a number of reasons; not least because it means that some of the voices that most need to be heard are least numerous and are, perhaps, undermined by perceptions of self-interest.

This event will begin with some background on what it means to be an ally, the benefits it can bring, and some of the potential pitfalls that can be associated with it. Over drinks, we will discuss the things that we can all do as individuals, both at work and at home, in order to improve equity in our departments and the New Zealand mathematical sciences community.

This event comes with a code of conduct: see

SciGlow at Silo Park: the art of bioluminescent bacteria

SciGlow at Silo Park: the art of bioluminescent bacteria

Be wowed by the eerie glow of bioluminescent bacteria as art and science unite for SciGlow at Silo Park Auckland, 3-4 December.

Microbiologist Dr Siouxsie Wiles has teamed up with artists, schoolchildren and bioluminescent bugs to create the unique bacterial paintings in giant petri dishes. View intriguing artworks by professional artists or try your own hand at creating a living, glowing masterpiece.

Proudly sponsored by the Maurice Wilkins Centre for Molecular Biodiscovery, Te Pūnaha Matatini and the University of Auckland.

Dates: December 3-4
Time: 11am-6pm
Where:  Silo Park, Auckland
Cost: Free

We take antibiotics for granted at our peril

We take antibiotics for granted at our peril

I am an ardent defender of people being free to choose what they do with their own life, even when I would not make the same decision. Partly this is because studying economics gave me an appreciation of how individual decision making is surprisingly effective at producing good outcomes, and partly it is me following the golden rule: I don’t like people telling me what to do so I try to refrain from telling others what to do.

I make an exception when it comes to antibiotic use.

The difference being that most health choices that people make primarily affects themselves. However, when people misuse antibiotics this presents a direct threat to my health. Misuse increases the risk of bacterial resistance to antibiotics which compromises the effectiveness of treatments I may need in the future. In economics, we call this an externality – when the choice an individual makes has a direct flow on effect to a third party. When externalities are present the result of individual decision making is not likely to be the best possible outcome.

When it comes to antibiotics there are a number of ways in which individual decision making is clearly causing bad outcomes. When people demand antibiotics to treat illnesses that do not require it, they are not considering the contribution their unnecessary use will make to future resistance. One more person taking antibiotics won’t make much of a difference, right? And if it helps this pesky cold go away then so be it!

Thankfully, in New Zealand we do have safeguards in place to mitigate overuse. Antibiotics are only available by prescription from a medical professional. This is a major step in combatting overuse that could occur if patients were able to self-medicate. Sadly, many countries do not have these responsible safeguards in place and overuse is rampant.

Doctors who are too willing to prescribe antibiotics to placate patients are part of the problem. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that one in three prescriptions for antibiotics in the US are unnecessary. Monitoring prescribing behaviour by doctors is important to ensure responsible prescription behaviour is taking place.

Incorrect usage after prescription is another issue. For example, people who stop taking antibiotics before finishing the prescription increase the risk of bacteria developing resistance to antibiotics. It is not easy to prevent this from happening but the government can take an active role in education campaigns to inform and persuade the public to use antibiotics correctly.

Agricultural usage is also a major concern. Antibiotics can play an important role in reducing bacterial disease in farm animals, especially important for animals living in cramped conditions which are particularly susceptible to outbreaks. However, the use of antibiotics at the farm contributes to growing resistance. Regulation to monitor agricultural usage is critical. So too is regulation to ensure farm conditions are suitable to limit the risk of disease. Consumers can also help here by choosing to purchase free-range eggs and meat, or reducing their consumption of animal products.

Antibiotic resistance is a looming threat that could have far-reaching and deadly consequences. A world where we cannot rely on antibiotics to treat infections is a very scary thought but a very real possibility if we do not take action. We take antibiotics for granted at our peril.

There are many things that both the public and the government can do to combat antibiotic resistance, but the first step is to raise awareness. Campaigns like Antibiotic Awareness Week and InfectedNZ are crucial to addressing this growing problem.

So when it comes to most health choices individuals make, I’m happy to live and let live, even when the choices may not seem like a good idea to me. But when it comes to antibiotics, I want a firm regulatory hand of government to ensure responsible use. My future health may depend on it.


Dr Rachel Webb is a research fellow at the New Zealand Initiative. She has a PhD in economics from the University of Canterbury, specialising in the area of health economics.

What is InfectedNZ?

Hey, Aotearoa. It’s time we had a chat about infectious diseases and what we’re going to do about the looming antimicrobial armageddon. That’s why we’ve asked leading health, social and economic researchers, and people with personal stories, to help us get real about our vulnerability and discuss solutions. Follow their blogs right here at and watch the conversation spread across social media with #infectedNZ.

Backing it all up, wherever possible, is data from the good folk at Figure.NZ. Their super duper charts are based on data sourced from public repositories, government departments, academics and corporations. Check out their #infectedNZ data board and sign-up to create your very own data board on any topic that floats your boat.

What the NZ science system is doing to combat infectious disease

What the NZ science system is doing to combat infectious disease

Two years ago, to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the original Longitude Prize, the UK government offered a ten million pound prize for the solution of a significant global problem. The original Longitude prize was set up in the eighteenth century by the British Admiralty to tackle the difficult problem that mariners faced of determining their longitude at sea. Three centuries later, it was decided that the challenge addressed by new prize would be chosen by the British public by popular vote.

Voters were asked to chose between challenges such as “How can we fly without damaging the environment?” and “How can we ensure everyone has nutritious sustainable food?”. In the end, the public chose to fight the rise of antibiotic resistance in bacteria: the first team “to create a cost-effective, accurate, rapid, and easy-to-use test for bacterial infections that will allow health professionals worldwide to administer the right antibiotics at the right time” will win the prize, provided this occurs before a cut-off date of 2019.

In New Zealand we held the Great New Zealand Science Project (don’t bother googling it, as the site will now try to sell you the services of a personal trainer “Effective Personal Workouts? That’s not Rocket Science !!?!”). The 2012 campaign encouraged the New Zealand public to vote for a range of science challenges and, like the people of the UK, the public voted for a project for “Fighting Disease”. I’ve always found it remarkable that of the ten National Science Challenges that were chosen by the government, not one tackles infectious disease.

In the end there were four challenges that involved the health sciences: “A Better Start”, “Healthier Lives”, “Aging Well”, and “High-Value Nutrition”. The Healthier Lives Challenge, which at first glance seem best placed to tackle infectious disease, addresses what it calls four of New Zealand’s main non-communicable diseases: “Cancer, Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes and Obesity”. The Better Start Challenge grapples with obesity, learning, and mental health problems in children and teenagers. Aging Well concerns “brain and body health”, as well as ways “to reduce disability and moderate the impact of age-related illness such as dementia, stroke, depression and frailty.”

So despite a mandate from the public, the National Science Challenges shied away from taking on infectious disease. The report of the panel that selected the Challenges noted that research into infectious disease did not meet their threshold for additionality (that is, what would a science challenge add to the health science sector) or for current scientific capacity in New Zealand. To appraise these comments, we need to look at what else is going on in the health science system.

With that in mind, the other major source of health science funding in New Zealand is the Health Research Centre (HRC). They fund a very wide range of projects, and those awarded since 2016 are listed here. To what extent does the HRC fund research into infectious disease?

It’s actually quite hard to tell. I pulled down two years of data from the HRC website concerning projects that were awarded funded in 2006 and 2014. Running through the list project-by-project, my estimate is that only 3% of the HRC funding in those years was allocated to researchers to study infectious disease. For the most part, HRC funding in these years mirrors the “Healthier Lives” Challenge (cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity) with nods to a “A Better Start” and “Aging Well”.

This week’s #InfectedNZ discussion has highlighted some of the challenges New Zealand faces from infectious disease. There is clearly concern amongst the public and amongst the scientific community about this, particularly the potential threat from antibiotic resistant bacteria. There are also significant costs to our healthcare system: as the figure below shows, we have nearly 100,000 hospital admissions per year due to infectious disease.

Hospitalisations_caused_by_infectious_diseases_in_New_ZealandIt is hard to argue that a National Science Challenge in infectious disease would not have provided additionality: it would evidently have provided much needed resource in an area to which we devote less than 3% of our health research funding. If the panel that selected the National Science Challenge was correct, then it would seem we don’t have the scientific capacity in New Zealand to address infectious disease. This should be a serious concern in light of the conversation this week. Perhaps it is time to do something about it.


Shaun Hendy is the Director of Te Pūnaha Matatini. Shaun is an advocate for multi-disciplinary research and teaching, and lectures in the University of Auckland’s Department of Physics and the University’s Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

What is InfectedNZ?

Hey, Aotearoa. It’s time we had a chat about infectious diseases and what we’re going to do about the looming antimicrobial armageddon. That’s why we’ve asked leading health, social and economic researchers, and people with personal stories, to help us get real about our vulnerability and discuss solutions. Follow their blogs right here at and watch the conversation spread across social media with #infectedNZ.

Backing it all up, wherever possible, is data from the good folk at Figure.NZ. Their super duper charts are based on data sourced from public repositories, government departments, academics and corporations. Check out their #infectedNZ data board and sign-up to create your very own data board on any topic that floats your boat.