Join us in Wellington, New Zealand for the Capital City Complex Systems Symposium, 13-14 February 2024.
Nau mai, haere mai ki Te Whanganui-a-Tara.
The second Capital City Complex Systems Symposium brings together leading researchers and practitioners working on complex systems.
Following the success of the inaugural event in 2023, the symposium fosters interdisciplinary collaboration in complex systems research across natural and social sciences, engineering, arts and humanities.
A core theme of the symposium is the interweaving of the latest advances in complex systems science with the concerns of communities, business and policy around how to ensure prosperous, resilient, equitable and just democratic life in a time of increasing uncertainty due to grand challenges such as climate change, biodiversity and wellbeing.
The symposium will feature keynote speeches from international and local guests, panel discussions and talks on topics such as collective intelligence, network science, social dynamics, digital democracy, urban systems, ecological systems, health systems, and more. Your registration fee includes full catering and a conference dinner.
The Capital City Complex Systems Symposium is a unique opportunity to learn from experts, share your work, network with peers, and discover new perspectives on complex systems. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or a newcomer to the field, you will find something valuable and inspiring at this symposium.
The Capital City Complex Systems Symposium 2024 will be held from 13-14 February 2024 at the Tiakiwai Conference Centre in the National Library of New Zealand in Wellington, New Zealand.
Juniper Lovato
Juniper Lovato is an educator and researcher in the field of complex systems and data science. Her current research focuses on data ethics, group privacy, privacy policies, AI ethics, ethics of AI art, complex systems, the science of stories, and open source ecosystems. Juniper is a member of the Computational Ethics Lab and director of partnerships and external programs at the Vermont Complex Systems Center/CEMS; University of Vermont. She recently completed her PhD in complex systems and data science at the University of Vermont.
Juyong Park
Juyong Park is a theoretical physicist who has worked on a diverse range of interdisciplinary topics in complex systems including the statistical physics formulation of networks, football (the American variety) competition networks, social network of musicians, human communication and movement patterns, and bioinformatics. After joining the Graduate School of Culture Technology at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology), he has pursued a complex systems-based study of culture and arts, most notably how human creativity can be scientifically understood.
Nicola Gaston
Nicola Gaston is a physicist at the University of Auckland and co-director of the MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology. In 2023, she was awarded the Thomson Medal by the Royal Society Te Apārangi for her transformative leadership in the research, science and innovation sector and for driving change towards equity for women in science. Nicola has recently been thinking about how concepts such as emergence that underpin complex systems research can help us to better understand and deal with issues such as minoritisation as they relate to equity, diversity and inclusion.
Ciro Cattuto
Ciro Cattuto is the scientific director of ISI Foundation, a non-profit research institute based in Turin, Italy, focusing on data science, complex systems, and their applications to public health and social impact. He holds a PhD in physics from the University of Perugia, Italy and has worked at the University of Michigan in USA, at the Enrico Fermi Center in Rome, and at the Frontier Research System of RIKEN in Japan. He is a founder and principal investigator of the SocioPatterns project, an international collaboration measuring and modeling human proximity networks.
Joel Miller
Joel Miller is an applied mathematician from La Trobe University who uses a wide array of techniques from physics and computer science to study biological questions with impact on public health. He primarily studies infectious diseases, dynamic processes on random networks, and the spread of infectious diseases in random networks. Joel’s recent research has focused on COVID-19 mitigation in many different contexts. He has also been focused on how heterogeneities in the structure of a population affects the spread of infection.
Tuesday 13 February 2024
Wednesday 14 February 2024
General Admission NZ$200
Student NZ$100
Organising committee
- Professor Markus Luczak-Roesch (co-chair)
- Dr Dion O’Neale (co-chair)
- Associate Professor Cilla Wehi
- Dr Emily Harvey
- Béatrice Désy
- Jonathan Burgess (communications)
- Pauline Donougher (operations)
The call for abstracts for the Capital City Complex Systems Symposium closed on Friday 1 December 2023 and notifications of acceptance were sent on Thursday 14 December 2023.
Programme committee
- Dr Emily Harvey (chair)
- Béatrice Désy
- Associate Professor Markus Luczak-Roesch
- Dr Dion O’Neale
- Associate Professor Matt Parry
- Dr Gillian Gibb
The committee may also recruit additional committee members as needed to reflect the diversity of submitted abstracts.